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Keep Calm and Get Ready for War

July 1, 2013

Keep Calm and Get Ready for War

Emergency Response Directive in the Defence of Malala Yousafzai

January 11, 2013

Emergency Response Directive


10 January 2013

1630 hours



Petitioner (‘s):  American Defence League (ADL) – United Coalition of Infidels (UCI) – (+) 17 Additional Organizations

Respondent (‘s): Mr. Abu Dharr Azzam,  Mr. Anjem Choudary, Taliban Pakistan, Taliban Foreign Legion and All Others



The American Defence League (ADL) has received word of the announcement of a fatwa on Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan who is currently residing in England.

Let it be known to all that we will be holding all of the above named respondents personally responsible for the continued safety, health and welfare of Malala Yousafzai.  Should any harm of absolutely any nature come to Malala Yousafzai or any member of her family, all of the above named respondents will immediately be captured, detained and stand trial before the Infidel Tribunal Council.  If found guilty, justice shall be rendered immediately following sentencing.

We have dispatched multiple teams of individuals to secure locations and orders have been issued.  A threat assesment is currently being conducted.




American Defence League (ADL)

United Coalition of Infidels (UCI)

17 Additional Petitioner Organizations


A Request to All Current ADL Members:

December 22, 2012

We recently updated our Security System to a state of the art InfoSec. Encryption Network.

The previous encrypted files containing our members contact information cannot be transferred over to the new system.

This is a built-in security feature.


We are requesting that all current members of the American Defence League (ADL)

Please go under “Become a Member” tab beneath the header and re-submit your contact information requested to the email address provided.


We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our members.


We are just ensuring that we keep our promise to you to always keep your information 100% secure.


Thank you.



exec. dir.

american defence league

Emergency Response Directive to the Fatwa on Malala Yousafzai

November 20, 2012





19 November 2012

2230 hours




Petitioner (‘s):  The American Defence League (ADL)

(and) The United Coalition of Infidels


Respondent (‘s):  Mr. Anjem Choudary


The American Defence League (ADL) has received word of the intended announcement of a fatwa on Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan who is currently recovering in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.


Let it be known that we will be holding Mr. Anjem Choudary personally responsible for the continued safety, health and welfare of Malala Yousafzai.  Should any harm of absolutely any nature come to Malala or any member of her family, Mr. Anjem Choudary will immediately be captured, detained and stand trial before the Infidel Tribunal Council.  If found guilty, his justice shall be rendered immediately following sentencing.




The American Defence League (ADL)

The United Coalition of Infidels



The Heroes of Benghazi: They Never ‘Stood-Down’

October 28, 2012

Sean Smith, left, and Glen Doherty died in the recent attacks on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya.
Sean Smith, left, and Glen Doherty died in the recent attacks on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya.
              Tyrone Woods, former Navy SEAL commando working as a diplomatic security officer
                                                    Chris Stevens, US Embassador to Libya


– This is an open letter to those heroes who recently gave their lives in Benghazi, Libya:


To:  Chris Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, former Navy SEAL commandos working as diplomatic security officers and Sean Smith, a computer expert;

You are True Men of Honor and Gentlemen of the Highest Order.  True American Heroes… in every sense of the term.

It seems so shallow… to merely say “thank you” for giving your lives… in the defense of our beloved republic and all of us, whom reside within.

So, to each of you I say… “You are the Patron Saints of Freedom.  You stood guard at the Gates of Liberty.  You paid the ultimate price, to ensure our peace and tranquility.  It is a result of your courage and bravery… that affords us all the ability… to lay our heads on our pillows at night… close our eyes… and, peacefully slip off to sleep beneath the blanket of security you provide… and, awake in the morning… to the breath of freedom.”

Blessed are you all, my brothers… for you truly are your brother’s keeper!

We love you all… and, we will see you soon.


To:  The Parents, Children and Siblings of  Sean, Glen, Tyrone and Chris;

Thank you for giving birth to and raising such fine young gentlemen of honor.  Your values of upbringing are so clearly visible and evident in their self-lessness of actions.  Thank you for giving us your sons.

Now, know this with all of your hearts… Your sons now stand guard at the right hand of Our Lord Thy God, by day… and, stand guard at the Gates of Heaven, by night.  No enemy shall ever prosper nor gain entry within… and, they proudly await your arrival.  To you they proclaim.. “Rejoice, for the next meeting will be permanant… without end.”


To:  Our Lord Thy God;

Thank you for creating such beautiful souls and Thank you for blessing us with their presence.  Keep guard over their families here on earth and protect them beneath the canopy of your never-ending love.  Amen.



– s. montague


Proclamation of Declaration of War

September 11, 2012


11 September 2012

2130 hrs.


Declaration of War


We, the citizens of the Free and Independent Republic of America do hereby announce on this 11th day of September, 2012, on the 21st and one-half hour, a pronouncement and acknowledgement of a Declaration of War against Islam.

We, the citizens of the Free and Independent Republic of America shall defend our nation, our constitutional government, our Judeo-Christian foundation, our citizens, our borders and all assets herein.  This Proclamation includes the defense of our allied nations and their citizens, as well.

Any and all entities, cumulative or acting individually against the aforementioned, will be deemed enemy combatants of the Free and Independent Republic of America, considered aiding and abedding the enemy and will be addressed and engaged accordingly.



The Citizen’s of the Free and Independent Republic of America

To Whom it May Concern;

September 7, 2012



Many before us have fought for our freedoms… and, many before us have died for our rights…

Many before us have shed their blood… and, many before us have given their lives.


Do you really think WE will ever allow this to be taken from us…??


You better think twice !





The Dawn of the Revolution is Approaching the Horizon

September 7, 2012



They counted on us to be silent… they counted on us to be passive… and, they counted on us to submit.   

Well, They Counted Wrong !!


We Seek A Constitutional Free Republic… 






A Constitutional Free Republic… By, Any and All Means Necessary !!!


– Manifest Destiny and May Our Endeavours Be Blessed and Guided by the One Lord Thy God. –

Follow The American Defence League (ADL) on Twitter

May 17, 2012


We Stand United with Our Brothers and Sisters of the English Defence League (EDL)

May 12, 2012